Jun 23, 2010

Guest Post: Canister Goodie Bags

I had a bunch of crystal light cans stashed away. We drink a lot of "crystal light" around this house (I know, I know, it isn't good for us) and I hated throwing away these containers knowing one day I would find use for them. I thought of these babies when it came time to make the "goodie bags" for all of our little guests.Then I put my little helpers to work. This job was easy for them because there was hardly any adhesive holding on the labels.I added scrapbook paper with double sided tape. And then I added a simple ribbon with name tags for our friends. And I totally forgot to take a picture of the final product. Lame-O me.

Linda, Illinois

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Katie Blacker said...

super cute idea! Love the army ones.

Susan Anderson said...

Camo gift bags. Perfect!


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