Jun 21, 2010

Brighten Your Own Day

I love flowers. When we lived in Wisconsin and the winters were long I decided I was going to start buying flowers for myself to brighten up my kitchen. It was the greatest decision ever. Don't get me wrong, my man buys me flowers! But can we women ever get them enough? I just find seasonal flowers or whatever is cheapest (I don't spend more than $5) at the grocery store. They last a couple of weeks and make everything more cheery.

What do you do to brighten your surroundings?

CLICK HERE to submit a post to The Lemon Tree Project.


Susan Anderson said...

I love fresh flowers, too. Lynna got me started on that one...

Other than that, I try to use bright accent colors and have a lot of candles around in hues and scents that lift my spirits.


Katie Blacker said...


Kierstin said...

Love that you do this!

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