Aug 18, 2010

Guest Post: Shoe Horn Wonderment


You are scrambling to get the kids ready for school or church and they just don't want to put their shoes on.


Shoe horn. No, it is not an instrument. It is a little tool your dad probably used every day of his adult life. It is quite easy to use, the kids get a big kick out of it and they'll actually want to put their shoes on!! Simply wedge the shoe horn between your kid's heel and the back of the shoe, tell your kid to push and voila - smiles and looks of wonderment!

Don, Texas


Taste of Champaign said...

I LOVE shoe horns! I keep one at home and one in my purse. That way when we leave a friends house they can slip their shoes on quick and easy. Great tip!

Don said...

The shoe horn I use (for myself and the kids) was my dad's shoe-horn. One day I hope to pass it on to my oldest son - it's a legacy of wonderment.

Susan Anderson said...

That is so smart. And I bet it would work. Make it a game...with a gizmo.



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