I saw this clip on TV a while back and have to share. Basically, this guy sprays Windex on the cupcake he's given and throws it away so that he won't be tempted to eat it. I thought this was hilarious and on some bizarre level kind of genius. I mean, if you are trying to avoid food temptation, that is one way to completely obliterate it.
Sep 22, 2010
Windex Away Temptation
I saw this clip on TV a while back and have to share. Basically, this guy sprays Windex on the cupcake he's given and throws it away so that he won't be tempted to eat it. I thought this was hilarious and on some bizarre level kind of genius. I mean, if you are trying to avoid food temptation, that is one way to completely obliterate it.
Ummm...that was literally hilarious. Who are those people? I'm not sure I'd go digging in the garbage for something, but nice idea.
I think you've just found the answer to my weight loss problems!
Yep, that'd work.
I totally saw this on tv too! Agh, we watch the same show :)I remember thinking I could never do this. Of course, if I did I wouldn't be complaining about the extra few pounds I'd like to lose...
I love that clip!
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