Jun 20, 2011

"We Have The Power" -NieNie

I was having an overwhelming stay-at-home-mom morning. I was tired, feeling defeated, and in no mood to cheerfully deal with my bambinos. I could feel myself drowning in my own negativity when the wise words of Stephanie Nielson, author of the NieNie Dialogues Blog, popped into my head...

After waking up feeling pretty horrible about herself she happened upon all of her kids peacefully and happily asleep together and says, "It felt like a big gust of fresh air blowing into my face. Immediately I felt better, then I vowed to change the way the day would start. Because I believe we can do that. We have the power."

I took her words to heart at that moment, admittedly pleaded for a little help from above, then chose to put on a smile and find the good in my day. Hey, it worked! There's no denying this is easier said than done, but truth be told we really do have the power to push out the negative and find favor in each day.

Thanks NieNie.

Click Here to read Stephanie's full post, "I Think They Are Pretty Happy".


Susan Anderson said...

I love that woman. I wonder if she has any real idea how much good she's done in the world.


Kierstin said...

I loved that post too...she is such a wonderful, amazing and beautiful woman.

Thank you for sharing this!

Love ya!

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