Jun 25, 2011

Guest Post: Fried Oil Smell Out Of The Air

My mother-in-law had fried some chicken tenders for dinner--in order to get the oil smell out of the air she boiled a mixture of vinegar and water.

What would we do without our mother's insight.

Amanda, Washington

Jun 20, 2011

"We Have The Power" -NieNie

I was having an overwhelming stay-at-home-mom morning. I was tired, feeling defeated, and in no mood to cheerfully deal with my bambinos. I could feel myself drowning in my own negativity when the wise words of Stephanie Nielson, author of the NieNie Dialogues Blog, popped into my head...

After waking up feeling pretty horrible about herself she happened upon all of her kids peacefully and happily asleep together and says, "It felt like a big gust of fresh air blowing into my face. Immediately I felt better, then I vowed to change the way the day would start. Because I believe we can do that. We have the power."

I took her words to heart at that moment, admittedly pleaded for a little help from above, then chose to put on a smile and find the good in my day. Hey, it worked! There's no denying this is easier said than done, but truth be told we really do have the power to push out the negative and find favor in each day.

Thanks NieNie.

Click Here to read Stephanie's full post, "I Think They Are Pretty Happy".

Jun 17, 2011

Guest Post: Warm Tupperware Lids Fit

My mom was trying to get a tupperware lid on and it didn't fit so she ran it under warm water and tadaa--it fit.

Amanda, Washington

Jun 12, 2011

Drowning Doesn't Look Like Drowning

"Drowning Doesn't Look Like Drowning" is the name of an article that I just read, one so poignant to me.

I have braved it alone to our community pool twice now this summer with four kids, ages 6, 4, 2, & 2ish months. My six year old can swim, my four year old is stellar in floaties, my two year old I have in a puddle jumper life jacket (the one and only toddler floatie anyone should ever buy if you ask me), with the baby watching & sleeping on the sidelines.

My confidence in taking them to the pool has been shaken as I've already had my 4 and 2 year old nearly drown. Both of their incidences were eerily silent & happened in a split second. My four year old didn't have his floaties on (mind you, I was right there), and I looked down at him in the water to see his arms straight out and his chin under the water with water bobbing in and out of his mouth and his eyes staring blankly up at me. I quickly asked if he was ok and he didn't respond. I acted quickly and helped him get to where he could stand. It wasn't until I read this article tonight that I realize he was drowning. Then just this past weekend my husband and I had finished feeding our kids lunch when they went running for the pool. Our 2 year old jumped in without either of us knowing, before we had put her puddle jumper back on. My husband saw the top of her head in the water and jumped in to save her. Talk about too close for comfort.

I think everyone should read this article as it points out the drowning is incredibly quiet, that the person is usually vertical in the water-unable to talk-with part of their head above the water, and that it happens when caretakers and others aren't far. Hopefully this article will help us all to have a safe and fun summer at the pool!

Click Here to read "Drowning Doesn't Look Like Drowning" in its entirety.

Below is a picture of the Puddle Jumper Life Jacket...it can be purchased on Amazon or sometimes at your local Target. My two year old can swim by herself in this, or at least she insists she do it alone being the independent little thing she is.

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